Fruit Custard | Mix Fruit Custard |Easy Dessert Recipe

                FRUIT CUSTARD RECIPE

Fruit Custurd a easy & impressive dessert.
Fruit Custard is a dessert made mixing chopped seasonal fruits with delicious creamy chilled custard sauce.You can use any fruit of your choice .
Fruits (seasonal/your choice)
Custard powder 2tbsp
Milk 500ml+4tbsp
Sugar 2tbsp
Honey 1tbsp
Cashew nuts 50gm
Raisins 50gm
Melon seeds 1tbsp

•Boil Milk
• In small bowl take custard powder & 4tbsp milk mix well
•Add the mixture to boiling milk
•Add sugar
•Stir continuous
•Untill milk becomes thick & creamy
•Let it completely cooldown
•Add chopped fruits
•Fry nuts in ghee & add to custard
•Drizzle honey
•Mix well
•Add melon seeds (optional)you can even add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
•Refrigerate atleast an hour
•Serve Chilled
